Praying for you!

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Doc, praying God will pour mercy, strength and healing over you. Lord, hear our prayers for your servant!

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Praying for you.

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Psalm 103:1 KJV

[1] Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Love you, Doc. Will be praying as always. JMG

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I just finished praying, Richard. It is a blessing to know that our days are numbered. Not even our failing bodies can cut His timing short. I asked the Lord to empower you in your weaknesses. No matter how many days, months or years He has for you, I asked the Lord to give you a clear mind, faithful heart, and an enduring soul. Love you, brother!

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Dear Brother Sandlin,I am saddened to hear this news of your health and strength in decline.

Lifting you UP in Jesus Holy name, I pray for you,that you Will get your strength back and feel better again!!

There are not so many truly Godly men,as you are and have been,and this world certainly needs you and more men like you.

You have been such a Great influence and blessing on many!!!

God Bless and be with you!!

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Dear Dick, we are praying for you and looking forward to seeing you before long after our journey, as we understand our time is short also. Much love, Geri and Mark

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